08 Dec 2011
I just returned from the talk "Lucky Seven" of our local
Java User Group. It was far better than I expected. Not that I expected Wolfgang Weigend to be a bad speaker but though I organized the event I got the feeling that I had seen one too many Java 7 introductions already. But there was more ...
One of the interesting aspects that I haven't been paying that much attention to is the merge of the
JRockit and
Hotspot VM. Hotspot will be the base of the new development and JRockit features will be merged in. Some of these features will already be available in OpenJDK during the JDK 7 timespan.
One of the changes got some amount of interest lately:
The PermGen space will be removed. Sounds like a major change but, once it works, it will definitively be a huge benefit.
JRockit has been highly respected for its monitoring features. Among those is the interesting
Java Flight Recorder that reminds me of the commercial project
Chronon. It will be an always on recording of data in the JVM that can be used for diagnostic purposes. Sounds really interesting!
The overall goal of the convergence is to have a VM that can tune itself. Looking forward to it!
The (mixed german and english) slides of the talk are available for download.
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26 Oct 2011
Maven has been my build tool of choice for some years now. Coming from Ant the declarative approach, useful conventions as well as the dependency management offered a huge benefit. But as with most technologies the more you are using it the more minor and major flaws appear. A big problem is that with Maven builds are sometimes not reproducable. The outcome of the build is influenced by the state of your local repository.
Gradle is a
Groovy based build system that is often recommended as a more advanced system. The features that make it appealing to me are probably the easier syntax and the
advanced dependency cache.
For a
recent project that I just uploaded for someone else I needed to add a simple way to build the jar. Time to do it with Gradle and see what it feels like.
The build script
The purpose of the build is simple: compile some classes with some dependencies and package those to a jar file. Same as Maven and Ant, Gradle also needs at least one file that describes the build. This is what build.gradle looks like:
apply plugin: 'java'
repositories {
mavenRepo url: "http://bp-cms-commons.sourceforge.net/m2repo"
dependencies {
compile group: 'org.opencms', name: 'opencms-core', version: '7.5.4'
compile group: 'javax.servlet', name: 'servlet-api', version: '2.5'
sourceSets {
main {
java {
srcDir 'src'
Let's step through the file line by line. The first line tells gradle to use the java plugin. This plugin ships with tasks for compiling and packaging java classes.
In the next block we are declaring some dependency repositories. Luckily Gradle supports Maven repositories so existing repositories like Maven central can be used. I guess without this feature Gradle would not gain a lot of adoption at all. There are two repos declared: Maven central where most of the common dependencies are stored and a custom repo that provides the OpenCms dependencies.
The next block is used to declare which dependencies are necessary for the build. Gradle also supports scopes (in Gradle: configurations) so for example you can declare that some jars are only needed during test run. The dependency declaration is in this case similar to the Maven coordinates but Gradle also supports more advanced features like
version ranges.
The last block isn't really necessary. It's only there because my Java sources are located in src instead of the default src/main/java. Gradle uses a lot of the Maven conventions so it's really easy to migrate builds.
To build the project you need Gradle installed. You can download a single distribution that already packages Grooovy and all the needed files. You only need to add the bin folder to your path.
Packaging the jar is easy: You just run the jar task in the java plugin: gradle :jar. Gradle will start to download all direct and transitive dependencies. The fun part: It uses a nice command line library that can display text in bold, rewrite lines and the like. Fun to watch it.
I like the simplicity and readability of the build script. You don't need to declare anything if you don't really need it. No coordinates, no schema declaration, nothing. I hope I will find time to use it in a larger project so I can see what it really feels like in the daily project work.
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01 Mar 2011
I've been interested in
Solr since I read about it the first time, must have been some time in 2008, doing some research for a search centric web page that was supposed to be run on OpenCms but unfortunately was never developed. At that time I wouldn't have used it as I hadn't heard about it before but I liked the idea a lot. After having attended the
Devoxx university session by Eric Hatcher on Solr in 2009 I was completely sure that the next search system I would implement would be based on Solr. The project's nearly finished now, time to recap what I took out of the book I got for learning Solr.
First of all, when learning a new technology I prefer paper books over internet research. Though there are other books available,
Solr 1.4 Enterprise Search Server by David Smiley and Eric Pugh seems to be the one that is most often recommended.
The book starts off with a high level introduction into what Solr and Lucene are, some first examples and interestingly, how to build Solr from source. Though the book was released before Solr 1.4 the authors seemed to have the foresight that some features might still be lacking and had to be included manually. In fact, I've never seen an open source project where applying patches is such a common thing as it seems to be the case for Solr.
Schema configuration and text analysis are the topics for the second chapter. It begins with an introduction into
MusicBrainz, a freely available data set of music data is used as an example throughout the book. This chapter is crucial to the understanding of Solr as it introduces a lot of Lucene concepts that probably not every reader is familiar with.
After quite some theory chapter 3 starts with the practical parts, covering the indexing process. Curl, the command line http client, is used to send data to solr and retrieve it. Another option, the data import handler, that directly imports data from a database, is also introduced.
Chapter 4 to 6 walk the reader through the search process and several useful components to enhance the users search experience like faceting and the dismax request handler. This is the part where Solr really shines as you can see how easy it is to integrate new features in your application that probably would have taken a long time to develop using plain Lucene.
Deploying Solr is covered in Chapter 7 with quite some useful information on configuring and monitoring a Solr instance. Chapter 8 looks at some client APIs from different programmin languages, SolrJ being the most important to me. The book ends with an in-depth look at how Solr can be tunded and scaled.
I can say that this is a really excellent book, as an introduction to Solr as well as a reference while developing your application. The most common use cases are covered, the examples make it really easy to adopt the concepts in your application. There are lots of hands on information that prove useful during development and deployment of your application.
Some slight drawbacks I don't want to keep to myself: As the common message format for Solr is a custom XML dialect, there is a lot of XML in the book to digest. As it's so common to use it that's not necessarily a bad thing but you might get quite dizzy looking at a lot of angle brackets. From a readers perspective some variety would have been nice e.g. by mixing XML with the Ruby format or JSON or introducing client APIs earlier. Also, while it's a good idea to use a data set that is freely available, MusicBrainz probably isn't the best format for demoing some features. There are no large text sections or documents, which are often what a search application will be build on. And finally, not really an issue of the authors but rather of the publisher, PacktPub: When skimming through the book it's quite hard to see when a new section begins. The headlines do not contain a numbering scheme and are of a very similar size.
Nevertheless, if you have to develop an application using Solr, you should by all means buy this book, you won't regret it.
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23 Jan 2011
I don't get it. Netbeans is often recommended as an excellent IDE for Ruby on Rails development, not only when targeting the JVM. Nevertheless, even some basic features don't seem to be working with the default setup. You can't even run the tests, which is fundamental to developing using a dynamic language.
What's happening? Suppose you have a simple app and you want to run some tests using the test database. Not sure if this is mandatory when using the built in JRuby but it
seems to be normal to use the jdbcmysql adapter. When you try to run the tests you will see something like this:
1) Error:
ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: ActiveRecord::JDBCError: Table 'kontakt_test.contacts' doesn't exist: DELETE FROM `contacts`
followed by the stack trace that isn't really helpful as it's not the root cause. Rails somehow doesn't create the tables in the test database. You'll see a more helpful output when starting the rake task "db:test:prepare" directly in debug mode:
** Invoke db:test:prepare (first_time)
** Invoke db:abort_if_pending_migrations (first_time)
** Invoke environment (first_time)
** Execute environment
** Execute db:abort_if_pending_migrations
rake aborted!
Task not supported by 'jdbcmysql'
/path/to/netbeans/ruby/jruby-1.5.1/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rake-0.8.7/lib/rake.rb:636:in `call'
/path/to/netbeans/ruby/jruby-1.5.1/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rake-0.8.7/lib/rake.rb:636:in `execute'
/path/to/netbeans/ruby/jruby-1.5.1/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rake-0.8.7/lib/rake.rb:631:in `each'
** Execute db:test:prepare
** Invoke db:test:load (first_time)
** Invoke db:test:purge (first_time)
** Invoke environment
** Execute db:test:purge
The task fails in the database task in the rails lib. You can open up the source code by opening the node
in Netbeans.
At line 357 you can see the problem: Rails only expexts some hardcoded adapters, jdbcmysql not being one of them. It skips the task for unknown adapters. Two options to fix it: Insert a regular expression that matches both:
when /mysql/ # instead of when "mysql"
or add the jdbcmysql adapter as a second option:
when "mysql","jdbcmysql"
Now the tests are running and hopefully passing. The same kind of error might occur for other tasks as well as there are some more checks for the mysql adapter in this file. You should be able to fix them the same way.
I wouldn't have expected to have to patch the rails code for using it in Netbeans but this doesn't seem to be
Using a recent active record version is supposed to fix the problem as you can use mysql as an adapter name then but I didn't find a way to run the jdbc generator from Netbeans. It isn't available in the list of generators and I didn't find a generator gem to download.
What's to be learned for me from this? I got a better understanding of how the build process works using rake. But more importantly: even technologies that have been hyped for a long time might not be that flawless as you would expect.
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09 Jan 2011
To me, when using SVN, the most important reason for using an IDE plugin was the refactoring support: SVN doesn't notice when you rename a file, you have to explicitly call svn mv.
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