20 Dec 2012
While writing this post about the Lucene Codec API I noticed something strange when running the tests with Gradle. When experimenting with a library feature most of the times I write unit tests that validate my expectations. This is a habit I learned from Lucene in Action and can also be useful in real world scenarios, e.g. to make sure that nothing breaks when you update a library.
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07 Dec 2012
The Lucene file format is one of the reasons why Lucene is as fast as it is. An index consist of several binary files that you can't really inspect if you don't use tools like the fantastic Luke.
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23 Aug 2012
I've been giving an internal talk on Akka, the Actor framework for the JVM, at my former company synyx. For the talk I implemented a small example application, kind of a web crawler, using Akka. I published the source code on Github and will explain some of the concepts in this post.
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06 Jul 2012
I just uploaded the (german) slides as well as the example code for yesterdays talk on Lucene and Solr at our local Java User Group.
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29 Jun 2012
I have been working on an example application for Lucene and Solr for my upcoming talk at the Java User Group Karlsruhe. As a web framework I wanted to try Dropwizard, a lightweight application framework that can expose resources via JAX-RS, provides out of the box monitoring support and can render resource representations using Freemarker. It's really easy to get started, there's a good tutorial and the manual.
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